“Be Your Own Style 24:7” – Z ZEGNA

Parkourists are the protagonists of the new digital advertising campaign for spring/summer 2015 by Z Zegna. Entitled “Be Your Own Style 24: 7”, the campaign aims to show the energy and the techno-urban attitude of the brand that is addressed to the modern trendsetter.

Three different times in three different locations through three video, this digital campaign is created by the director Jason Sutton that through the use of the “time-lapse”, it captures colors and textures in symbiosis with the urban background.

The day begins at 6:00 am where the Z ZEGNA man show off a high performance techniques coat on a lightweight crease-resistant suit. It’s now 13 o’clock and he is wearing Technomerino sneakers, created for an exceptional comfort and performance and suitable for a keep-moving man. The last moment of the day, at 19:00, is when sky is getting darker and Z ZEGNA man discover the huge versatility of his wardrobe.